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The Trump Admin Said That In a ‘Short Timeline,’ It Would Bring Back U.S. Constitution Info. 38 Days Later/as of Feb. 28, It’s Still Gone.
The Trump administration said that in a “short timeline,” it would bring back U.S. Constitution information. Thirty-eight days later/as of Feb. 28, it’s still gone. (At least as of the last day in February, the web page says “Page Not Found.”)
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On Jan. 21, the second day of the new U.S. presidential administration, a White House spokesman claimed this:
“It’s day two. We are in the process of developing, editing and tweaking the White House website. As part of this ongoing work, some of the archived content on the website went dormant. We are committed to reloading that content in a short timeline.”
However, not only is the “archived content” that was supposed to be back in a “short timeline” not, but neither is any information resulting from interpretations of the U.S. Constitution.