‘Blog Post,’ ‘Video,’ ‘Podcast Episode,’ ‘Article,’ ‘Story,’ ‘Report’ … Yikes! Here’s This Journalist’s Proposed Umbrella Term for All Those Words

Alysha V. Scarlett
2 min readApr 1, 2024

So many terms are used for what we consume from new and traditional media. Terms for very much the same thing! Is there an umbrella term for all those words?

Yes (clearly and resoundingly).

Now, before I say it, I acknowledge something about the adjective of just the two-word phrase of which I thought. The adjective is a word that in recent years has spread like…



Alysha V. Scarlett

Alysha's won 13 writing awards. Formerly of B/R, Screen Rant, Patch. Author, “Re-finding Yourself in the Age of Trump.” “Big-city cousin.” --rural, rival paper